• Why should you have two email addresses
  • Computer maintenance 1-2-3
  • 101 computer security
  • Creating unique passwords
  •  About Spyware

Why should you have two email addresses

Now Adays it is a good idea to use more then one email account. And use it between Personal and Business correspondence, buying and selling online, password recovery from the other email account, and avoid spam. Signup for Gmail, Outlook.com, iCloud and get FREE online storage for your photos, files and other data.

 Computer maintenance 1-2-3

Keep your system working safer, longer, and better by making sure it's fully updated: your PC is like a car - if you don't keep it tuned up you may see computer problems such as crashes, security holes and bugs, components and peripherals that don't work properly, and a slow computer.

1. Keep your computer clean.

Dust build-up inside your case can affect your machine in a couple of ways. If layers of dust build up on the components, the thermal cooling process is hindered, and your computer can eventually overheat (this takes a lot of dust to happen). The other problem with dust buildup is that it can destroy your power-supply and CPU fans. If either of these fans fail, your computer will definitely overheat, and could destroy your CPU, motherboard, or graphics cards. Evidence of overheated computers is that the hard drive and floppy cables become shiny and disfigured. I lost my last CPU to a dead CPU fan. To clean out the case, just open the cover and blow the dust out with a can of compressed air. Make sure that you get inside the power supply and all the fans. You may want to do this outdoors if you haven't done this in a while. Let the computer sit for a few moments before turning it back on, as compressed air can sometimes discharge moisture. Never do this with the computer plugged in. You should clean your case out at least once a year, moreso if your furnace lacks a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter.

2. Scan for Viruses.

If your computer has access to the Internet, anti-virus software is a must-have utility! There are even cases reported in which commercial (store-bought) software and games are inadvertently shipped with viruses on them. Even Microsoft is guilty of this. Viruses can slow down system performance, destroy data on your hard drive, and even destroy computer hardware (motherboards and hard drives). You should always run a real-time anti-virus scanner while on the Internet or installing new software, and perform a full system scan every week or so. Be sure that you keep your anti-virus definitions up to date by checking for updates at least every few days, as new viruses are born almost daily.

3. Back up you data.

I have lost some data myself a few times in the last 12 years or so of working with computers. Believe me, it's not a good thing. Keep in mind that data can disappear at any time while working on a computer. Causes of losing data are hard drive failure (the most common), computer viruses, accidentally deleting or over-writing files, mis-clicking with the mouse (data is moved somewhere else and appears to be missing, kids do this a lot), and hacker intrusions, to name a few. You do not necessarily need to backup your entire system, just the data which cannot be easily replaced, such as office documents, email addresses and messages, accounting software and data, saved games, etc. The most common media formats for backing up data are CD-ROM burners, Zip-drives and magnetic tape. CD-ROM burning is the most permanent form of data backup, and the cheapest. You should always keep at least one backup your data at any given time, and you should also consider storing your backups in a location outside your home (in case of fire), or in a fire-proof safe. Please do not rely on backing up your data to another computer on your network - your data will not be safe from a virus threat.

101 computer security

The first step in securing your Windows computer is to determine where you are at risk. By learning as much as you can about computer and network security and assessing how your system is at risk you will greatly improve your odds of staying secure.

Obviously, a computer that never accesses the Internet, has only one user and is only used for writing letters to friends and family is more secure than a computer that is shared by multiple members of the household, possibly hosting a personal web site, used for downloading files or participating in online chat sessions. Regardless of the intended use, the three basic keys are to install anti-virus software (and keep it up to date), never open files from sources you don’t know and keep your system properly patched against known vulnerabilities.

Beyond that, there are a few other precautions one can take to try to ensure the security of their computer.

1. Use a firewall. This can mean a few different things and each offers a slightly different level of protection. You can have a hardware firewall- such as those contained in home DSL / Cable Modem routers, a 3rd-party software firewall applications, or on some versions of Windows you can implement a firewall within the operating system.

2. Use tough passwords. Using your last name or the name of your dog as your password and never changing it poses a security risk. First of all, many pieces of information about you can be learned by diligent hackers. Items such as your name, the names of your children and other personal information should not be used. To be strong, it is best if your password contains letters, numbers and special characters (such as “*” or “%”) and does not contain an actual word. You should also change your password frequently- at least every 30 days.

Creating Unique Passwords, Keeping Them Secure and Finding Lost Passwords

Why Are Passwords Required?

While you might consider them a pain to use, could you imagine if your Internet service provider didn't require them? If they didn't, anyone could log on to the Internet using your user-name. While that doesn't seem too dangerous at first thought, it could lead to you being blamed for something you didn't do, such as breaking user agreements and even doing something illegal. Certain Websites also require user names and passwords for services such as email and forums. If they didn't, then anyone could read your mail or assume your identity.

Problem With Creating Easy To Remember Passwords

The passwords that you create should be something that no one could ever guess. Because you have to remember your password, the temptation to make passwords easy to remember often leads to trouble. Creating passwords that contain your name or nickname, your dog's name or something that is commonly known are too easy for someone else to guess. Some people think that other people would never guess an easy password but you would be surprised how easy it is. I remember one time a co-worker was bragging that no one would be able to guess her password. It only took me two guesses - it was her dog's name. I knew her enough that, I knew it had to be her daughter's name or her dog's name because she talked about them so often.

General Rules For Creating Passwords

When passwords are required there may be different rules for each application. Generally passwords are:

• Case Sensitive - This means that the upper-case letter a (A) is not the same as the lower-case letter a (a).
• No Spaces Allowed - Most applications do not allow blank spaces in the word.
• Special Characters - Characters such as a tilde (~) may or may not be allowed. You will need to check the rules.
• Length - Most applications will tell you a minimum and maximum length of the password. Although you may be allowed to create a password that is four characters long, for security reasons it is recommended that the minimum length be eight characters.

Creating Passwords That Won't Be Easily Cracked

Here are some general guidelines to create a password:

Making Hard-to-Crack Passwords Easy To Remember

• Make passwords like the vanity plates on cars. For example: passwordsREZ (passwords are easy)

• Create a pattern when you create your passwords such as using upper-case letters for vowels and lower-case for consonants, so it would be easy to remember but hard to crack. The word "candy" would then be "cAndy". Or you could substitute letters for numbers. For example 1=I, 5=S, 0=O. Some people do not recommend creating these patterns but it will make it easy for you to remember. Remember though, that if you use a pattern and then someone finds out your password, you should then change your pattern for your new password. • Use a phrase instead of a single word to make it a more secure password, such as "candy for you" which would be "cAndy4U"

Keeping Your Passwords Secure

• NEVER give out your passwords to anyone, including representatives from companies that call you. The only time you will have to give them a password is when you initially create a password or when you want to change it.

• Instruct your children to NEVER give out passwords and continue to remind them to do so. Children have a hard time keeping a secret, in fact, one time my daughter shared ours because it was such a neat combination! Also, one of my friend's children gave out their ISP user name and password to their friends so they could get Internet access. My friend was double-billed by her ISP for services because two computers were logged in at the same time.

• Do not keep a list of passwords on your desk or in a file on your computer. There are however, some shareware programs that you can get that will store passwords for you but they use encryption technology so they can't be accessed.

• If you think someone might know your password, have your password changed.

• Change you passwords periodically. Some people recommend every six months.

• If someone is sitting near you when you have to enter a password, be sure to cover your fingers while typing it. 

Nothing can be more frustrating than forgetting a password! Here are some tips for what to do if you have forgotten a password.

 • Should be more than seven characters long

• Mix letters and numerals

• Use upper-case and lower-case letters

• Do not create a password that contains a single word that is in the dictionary

• Use phrases